Thursday, February 11, 2010

Zumba Zoo

Nearly one hundred girls, all decked out in sneakers and a wide variety of brightly colored t-shirts, flock to the aerobics room in the Whittemore Center every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday night for some “butt-shaking Spanish dancing,” as freshman Michelle Buldoc calls it.

“I try to get there by 7 pm,” says freshman Mandy Abbott, “You really have to be there early if you want a spot.” Zumba, a fitness system that involves learning and performing dance moves to Latin and International music, has quickly grown in popularity at the University of New Hampshire. Huge crowds of girls fill the Whittemore, making it difficult for others to navigate their way around.

The class, which is free to students once they sign the waiver form at the front desk, has become so popular that many girls will be turned away if there isn’t enough room. “Word gets around about how fun it is. And it’s a better way to work out than running or something,” says sophomore Alicia Papandrea.

Many girls agree that the class, co-taught by Hannah and Andrea of the Whittemore Staff, provides a good workout even though it’s mostly fun. “You sweat a ton,” Abbot says, “It’s definitely different. It’s more modern. It fits our generation better.”

Despite the appeal, the question as to whether you will get in or not is daunting for some girls. “I’m willing to wait for a half hour, but that’s it,” says Papandrea. Some girls have asked if a list could be made for the course, or even a fee imposed to guarantee their spot. “It just sucks going all the way there and not knowing if you can get in,” says Papandrea.

Perhaps the rush in interest has to do with Spring Break looming so close. “Probably not a lot of people went last semester but now realize they’ve gained weight and want to loose it before spring break,” says Abbott.

Although there is such a high demand for the class, it is definitely not for everyone. “I hate it,” says Michelle Bolduc. “It’s easy to get frustrated you first time because you have to know what you’re doing,” says Bolduc.

Classes are free to students and ten dollars per class for guests. They are in the aerobics room at 8 p.m every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Says Abbott, “Just make sure you get there early if you want a spot.”

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