Monday, April 12, 2010

Purity of the Catholic Church Put Under Spotlight

The negative spotlight on the Catholic Church involving sex scandals the past two weeks has had varying effects on Catholics at the University of New Hampshire. The recent release of a 1985 letter signed by Pope Benedict XVI supporting an American priest who had sexually abused a boy has shaken the faith and trust of many Catholics throughout the country, and in Durham, NH.

Kyle Frederickson, a sophomore at UNH and a member of UNH’s chapter of Christian Impact, says that the recent news bothers him but has not challenged his faith. “This news is certainly distressing,” said Frederickson, “but I don’t let it interfere with my faith.”

The assaults, which have taken place from the 1960s onward, have occurred in at least six different countries. Victims in the United States as well as Canada, Ireland, Poland, Italy and the Pope’s home, Germany, have all come out to speak against the Pope.

Victims are angry with Pope Benedict, formally known as Joseph Ratzinger, because they disagree with the way that he has handled this situation. Pope Benedict, who was in charge of Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, was in charge of dealing with sex abuse cases at the time. He chose to protect the “good of the universal church,” as he said in his 1985 letter, instead of defrocking an American priest who committed sexual assault against two boys.

“I can understand where the victims are coming from,” said junior Kelly Lynch, an atheist. “It is disgusting that bishops and priests think they can get away with molesting children,” said Lynch, “It’s a crime against humanity and if they should be charged like any other criminal, not protected by the church.”

There have been other activists, like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens who have pushed to create legal proceedings against the Pope. The Church, however, is defending the Pope by saying that he tried to act in the best interest of the church.

Acting in the best interest of the church is what many bishops and priests believe is the most important as it follows cannon law. Cannon law is the church doctrine that states that the bishop must decide which option will create the least amount of scandal.

This decision to protect the reputation of the church instead of children is what has angered activists like Dawkins and Hitchens along with many other Catholics. Local priest Father Barber of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Portsmouth, NH ignored phone calls and declined commenting on the subject.

“It can be embarrassing to hear that people of your faith have behaved in this manner,” said freshman Katie Bell. “However, we all need to remember that one person does not reflect everyone. God knows who is good and who is bad.”

As victims continue to come out and speak against the Pope, more media coverage has helped to give voices to the harmed. While some support the victims, others are more forgiving and concerned with the reputation of their religion.

“People are only human and may be flawed,” said Frederickson, “We must hope they seek redemption in God.”

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