Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Parking Program Offered for Move Out

University Transportation Services has introduced a new parking permit to help ease the stress of move out: a free, 2 hour pass which would allow parents and students to park nearly anywhere.

“The 2 hour pass is the result of too many cars being parked in fire lanes along side buildings,” said Dirk S. Timmons, Director of UNH Transportation.

The pass, which is available in the parking office, will state the time and date of move-out as well as the vehicle’s license number. The intention of this new parking pass is to help ease stress during the moving out process as well as avoid excess ticketing.

“During move in my mom got a two hundred dollar fine, just for parking near my dorm,” said Matthew Normandeau, a sophomore. “If this helps avoid such ridiculous fines, then I’ll do it,” said Normandeau.

The parking pass would allow students and parents to park in nearby faculty and staff parking lots, as well as commuter lots, between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. It also will allow students to utilize any nearby resident lots during any hour of the day.

However, as some lots are not open at night, the parking office advises that students plan ahead.

“Because the enforcement hours exceed our office hours, depending on the time of your move-out you may need to plan ahead to get your permit,” said the department in a public notice.

If a student requires more than two hours, then the family may revert to the normal (paid) temporary parking, either at the Visitor Center, West Edge Lot, parking meters or Lot C.

“Honestly, I don’t think that 2 hours is going to be enough time for a lot of students,” said Gail Winsor, a sophomore. “We all have a lot of stuff,” said Winsor.

Another option for students is parking in fire lanes along side buildings. Although it is allowed, parking in a fire lane is strictly limited. It is only allowed if a licensed driver remains with the vehicle at all times. The vehicle must also be in the active process of being loaded.

Unattended vehicles in fire lands, or those lingering longer than it takes to load and leave, risk standard enforcement even though it is move out week.

“This of course is an important safety consideration, so while there is some wiggle-room, it is conditional,” said the parking department's public statement.

Vehicles which are parked without a permit in areas that require them will risk standard enforcement, despite it being move out week. This could potentially mean heavy fines and parking tickets.

“It’s annoying to have to walk to the parking office, but I suppose I will because I don’t want to have to pay for parking, or worse get a fine,” said freshman Kathleen Leahy.

The permits may be picked up at the parking office service counter, which is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am until 4 pm. The permits require a vehicle number and will be prepared in advance for students.

UNH Parking will not issue successive permits, as students are expected to then move to normal temporary parking if they exceed the 2 hour limit.

“We are hoping this new permit will help the process, not cause more hassle,” said Timmons.

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